Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top 10 Benefits of Singing

Singing is not just for those people who have a golden voice, but it is also recommended to everyone who wants to keep themselves healthy. In fact, even if you feel that the world might curse when they hear you singing, that’s okay if this is one of the ways that would keep your life longer. Everyone has a right to sing whether you are at home, while taking a shower which is by the way everyone does, and even when you are with your friends and has just grabbed you to join them with their gimmick, then be it. Here are the top 10 benefits of singing that would let you decide to do it occasionally even not professionally.

10. Stabilize Temperament
10. Stabilize Temperament e1338824553760 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
If you would observe when you are at a peak of your emotion that heart rate beats faster especially if you are angry. Hence, you would also observe that once you vent it out that you feel great, and all other negative emotions that you have decreased enormously. It’s the same effect of singing to everyone, whether you are a professional singer, just starting, and even if you are not a singer at all. Try to use this as a channel whenever you can’t control the sudden outburst of emotion.

9. Boosts Cuddle Hormone
9. Boosts Cuddle Hormone e1338824580271 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
This is good for couples who would want to improve their intimate time together. You don’t need anything just to boost it up. Another benefit of which is the release of Oxytocin which is an important hormone found in the brain which helps to release the tension that the body feels. It also strengthens or fortifies the body’s immune system. It helps anyone to become more optimistic since the negativity that the body absorbs from the environment, and experiences that it receives due to exposure.

8. Greater Intelligence
8. Greater Intelligence e1338824609987 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
You might wonder why it would boost great intelligence quotient. It is indeed true, based on the scientific explanation, whenever individual sings; the serotonin which is found in the human brain is being strengthened since it’s a form of exercise to our brain. It aids everyone to think better, analyze things, and to be able to communicate to others the things that you are thinking of, and be able to explain things effectively. Instead of taking various foods that would boost IQ, singing is priceless, yet worthwhile.

7. Psychological Benefits
7. Psychological Benefits e1338824643372 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
There is power in singing even if you were just listening to anyone who has a good voice better than you; it feels good if a song touches your heart. There is more power when you do it yourself even if you are not as good as others because it automatically decreases negative mood while it increases or enhances positive feeling. It heals hurt, and any pain that you gained from any situation.

6. Keeps You Fit
6. Keeps You Fit e1338824667999 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
You might wonder how singing keeps anyone’s fit. As you sing, it would release pain relieving endorphins that would cause good feeling which has been discussed in the previous ranks in this list. Hence, the number one benefit of it can be seen on the posture of majority of those singers who have been singing for a long time. Good posture is one of the training that it gives especially if you are a member of any choir. Second, the facial muscles move when you sing that naturally tone the facial muscles. It will help you as well to avoid snoring at night especially if you make it a part of your habit.

5. Music Therapy for Injured
5. Music Therapy for Injured e1338824694100 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
Based on the researches that have been done by the medical experts, they took note that music can control the body circuits especially the brain. It has a very good benefit to the brain that has suffered brain injury. In fact, as one sings it could be part of the daily rehabilitative exercises in the healing process. It works with the overall brain perception in a complex stage while reeducating and retraining the brain. In fact, majority of the physicians and therapists have accumulated various medical methods to support the mechanism of the brain especially while taking the brain functions back.

4. Regulates Breathing
4. Regulates Breathing e1338824717996 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
You would notice that as you try to sing especially if you are reaching higher notes that you release the voice that coming from your diaphragm. In fact, music teachers suggest that you do vocalization before trying out singing to prepare the diaphragm. As you do this, it would help your lungs because singing serves as an exercising tool to one up the intercostals muscles as well as the diaphragm.

3. Reduce Stress
3. Reduce Stress e1338824743173 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
It balances everything. It relives anyone from the stresses in life. As stated in one of the top 10 benefits of singing that it is an antidote for anxiety and depression. It evokes emotion by bringing back self-esteem that gives contentment and positivity. This is all because of the healthy chemicals that brain produces that affect the feelings of individual.

2. It Lowers Heart Rate
2. It Lowers Heart Rate e1338824766430 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
When you sing the crescendo, intonation, and melody line becomes broader, and it affects or influences the kind of change that body can achieve. When one sings, it creates vibration from the very first breath moving in a circular motion that until it reaches the heart. The inhaling, and exhaling processes improve not just the vocal cords especially the heart rate. It aligns everything which means it act as neutralizer that affects the normal heart beating.

1. Decreased Blood Pressure
1. Decreased Blood Pressure e1338824792334 Top 10 Benefits of SingingSlide111 e1338824813641 Top 10 Benefits of Singing
As you sing, it would improve blood circulation in the body since it performs an aerobatic therapy that would decrease muscle tension especially at the height of emotional outburst or any causes that would normally trigger increase blood pressure. However, when you sing, it does the opposite since it opens up the respiratory tube, and sinuses that would later affect the entire processes of the human body functions.

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