Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top 10 Countries with Higher Literacy Rate

“Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army” — (Edward Everret). Education holds a great deal of importance in our lives as it is because of education that man has been able to rule the world and invent beneficial tools for himself. Education turns a society into a civilized one; which recognizes the good and bad deeds. If any country wants to achieve phenomenal progress and prosperity, then the government must focus on educational infrastructure and coax the common masses to get as much education as possible. Sociologically, formal education is the way through which whole of the accumulated culture, beliefs and values are transmitted from one generation to the next one. This phenomenon ensures the persistent advancement of human race with the help of the previous knowledge. If we go into the etymology of this word, then it is brought to our attention that the word education is derived from the Latin word ‘educatio’, which means ‘a breeding’, ‘bringing up’. Before jumping on to the top ten chart, I will love to buy some of your time to get you acquainted with a saying; “Educated people can be easily governed” — (Frederick the great)
education 10 Most Educated Countries

Most Educated Countries

10. Armenia

The literacy rate in Armenia is almost 99.7%. Armenia’s expenditure on education is almost 3% of its GDP, as per the CIA World Factbook. School life expectancy of this country is 12 years for male and 13 years for females. SLE (School life expectancy) is a term used to refer to the total number of years of schooling a child expects to receive.


The literacy rate in Ukraine is 99.7% and if we further go down the line then it will come to our learning that the male literacy rate is 99.7% and female literacy rate is around 99.2%, according to the CIA World Factbook. The government of Ukraine consumes around 5.3% of GDP on education. At this point of time, you must be familiar with the term SLE. The SLE of Ukraine is of total 15 years with 14 years for males and 15 years for females.


The literacy rate in Lithuania is approximately 99.7%; male 99.6% and females 99.6%. The education expenditure by the government of Lithuania is around 4.7% of GDP. The SLE in this country is total of 16 years with 15 years for males and 17 years for females. The estimated GDP of Lithuania is US $36.31 billion, so you can very well guess that how much the government is spending on education.


The literacy rate in Belarus is around 99.7%; male 99.8% and female 99.4%. 4.5% of the GDP of this country is injected into education whereas the GDP is US $54.71 billion. SLE is total 15 years — 14 years for males and 15 years for females. To promote the education within the country, barring the higher education, all the other levels are free. Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus oversees all the educational matters of the country.


Literacy rate in Slovenia is around 99.7%; male 99.7% and female 99.6%. Government is determined to spend almost 5.2% of the GDP to promote the education and make it available to the common person. SLE in Slovenia is about 17 years. This country has got a very decent percentage of 60.5 for the tertiary enrollment.


The literacy rate is 99.7% in Barbados: male 99.7% and female 99.7%. The government is spending almost 6.7% of its GDP on the promotion of education. The SLE in this country is around 13 years. It is not a matter of choice for the people of Barbados to get schooling as it is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. Not only this, but it is made a point that attendance does not fall short.


The literacy rate in Latvia is 99.8%: male 99.8% and female 99.7%. It invests 5% of its GDP on education. The SLE in Latvia is around 15 years. We can say, in a sense, that focusing on education is the need of the hour for people of Latvia if they want to make headway and development. It is because this country is not blessed with reasonable reserves of natural resources and its main agenda is to accumulate knowledge and intellect within the society to compete the other nations.


The literacy rate in Estonia is approximately 99.8%: male 99.8% and female 99.8%. The SLE in this country is 16 years and the government has earmarked an amount equal to 4.9% of GDP for the uplift of education in the state. The educational system of Estonia is destined to give their people such an adaptive and conducive ambiance as to make them life-long learner and ever ready to get knowledge.


The literacy rate in Cuba is near to 99.9%. The Cuban government is focused to achieve educational excellence and is spending around 13.6% of its GDP on education. The SLE in Cuba is 18 years. There is no disparity of caste, race or sex in terms of getting education in Cuba and education is made compulsory for the children and is not a back burner in the list of tasks scheduled by the government.


The literacy rate in Georgia is 100% which is undoubtedly, a very impressive and outstanding percentage. 3.2% of the total GDP is poured into the education sector and the SLE in Georgia is 13 years. The oldest school is Richmond Academy which was founded in 1788. It was clearly mentioned in the first ever constitution of Georgia that the education will not be compromised against the backdrop of unstable political scenario or any other prevalent issues. It was stated in the constitution that a school will be established in each and every country of the state. The largest private university is Emory.

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