Thursday, January 3, 2013

How To Get Him To Pop The Question

Get him pop questionYou are acquaintance to a guy for a long time, and you are turning cartwheels in an attempt to get him to pop the question, but unfortunately, he’s not so swift on the engagement uptake.  So how do you get him to pop the question before you pop from frustration?
 Before you give up finding that you haven’t got a ring on your finger after being with one man for a number of years and decide to call it quits, here are a few tips on how you can get him to go on one knee and pop the question.

Drop a Hint or Two

As you are avoiding the marriage talk, there is no reason for you to passively withstand a relationship that is stagnant. Making hints to your guy to pop the question and that you are not exactly ecstatic to be in a relationship that leads to nothing. You can do this with very little dramas.
Be in the Region of Him
 Do you know that as humans we tend to develop likings for people around us more than people who rarely show up? Make it a point to be around and make sure he does notice you every time you are around him. This way you would be able to get him pop the question. He would sure form some sort of a mental relationship and connection towards you which would make it even easier for you to get him to pop the question.
Maintain your Dignity
 Most guys would enter into a long term relationship with women who know how to maintain their dignity and know how to respect themselves. You will never be able to get him to pop the question unless you like yourself and have a decent self respect for yourself. Remember you would never get any guy to like you unless you learn how to pay respect to yourself first.
Talk to Him Differently
You don’t have to make it obvious to him that you like him in order to get him to pop the question. Don’t have conversation with him with strong attempts to impress him or keep his attention all the time. Always let him try to get your attention instead of trying to get his. Make it a point to only talk to him when he is interested in talking to you otherwise he would put you in the category of a stalker who simply can’t have enough of him. You can most definitely get him to like you once you have made it obvious that you are different from other girls you will surely get him to pop the question.
Be the Most Attractive Woman that You Can Be
When you are a very attractive woman, his eye will be on you and you only. The things that make you attractive to a man also include femininity, high self-esteem, confidence, happiness and intelligence. Of course you will not let him to look at other women by doing your best and he will hopefully pop the question. These are actually far more important to how attractive you are perceived as being than just your physical appearance.
Create a Deep Bond with Him
As you spend time together, tell each other your intimate thoughts and desires, and share many experiences (both good and bad), a deep bond will be created between the two of you that cannot easily be broken. Your man will then think about to pop a question.
Create Incentives for Him to pop the question
The first two steps of being the most attractive woman that you can be and creating a deep bond with him serve as the bait and hook, respectively. They are what make him want to be with you forever.
However, you still have to create incentives for him to take the plunge and pop the question, since people usually do things for their reasons rather than yours.
Try to Win Over His Family and Friends
Another thing that you can do to move closer to a marriage proposal is to win over his family and friends. Become part of his family and make his friends your friends. Then they will put pressure on him to pop the question – which means that you don’t have to!
Mutual respect and love is what a marriage needs to be based on. Guys who love watching you turn cartwheels for them do not really respect you. For this reason, as you attempt to get him propose, do not lose your self-respect or dignity in the process. Maintain an Interesting RelationshipDon’t Cling or Nag and Learn How to Clean and Cook to get him pop the question.

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