Saturday, January 12, 2013
Top 10 Topics to Talk About on Your First Date
Undoubtedly, your first date with a romantic prospect is very crucial. Your first date could lead to a second one or you may get the impression that you’re definitely better off as friends. Your first date could blossom into a full-blown romantic relationship or it may end up as an experience you’ll shrug off. During your first date, almost everything matters – from how you dress to what you say. Some may smoothly breeze through their first date experience but for others, it’s a night they can’t wait to end. Nevertheless, here are the top ten most common topics people talk about during their first date.
10. Siblings.
Talking about each other’s families would be too advanced for a first date but talking about siblings would be a safe starting ground. You can casually ask your date if he or she got any brothers or sisters and talk about their basic details such as occupation, age or school. Just don’t get too personal by asking if the brother or sister is cute, smart or single. It will surely spell the end of your date. If you know your date’s brother or sister, siblings would be the most comfortable topic for you to start off your conversation.
9. Place of Residence.
This is particularly true when your date is not from your immediate geographical community. Aside from being a neutral topic, your town or your local community could be an exciting subject. You could talk about how each of you came to live where you do now. You may also exchange stories of interesting things that happened to you in your locality. These fun and spontaneous stories could help in loosening up the tension or the silence during your first date. Whether you decide to have asecond date or not, this conversation would be a great learning experience for you.
8. Food.
Food is one topic that concerns and interests both men and women. Just make sure you do not touch on the amount or volume of food the other person has ordered. It will make your date feel uncomfortable or offended. It is advisable to start off with what you or your date has ordered and why you or your date has chosen it. This will already trigger deeper and more personal sharing. If you have already started eating, you could also commend the taste of the food. Be careful on saying negative about the food especially if your date was the one who chose the venue.
7. Likes and dislikes.
As your date conversation progresses, you, and your partner will most likely begin to feel more comfortable about more personal information. As you share about what you like and what you don’t like, you will also find it fun to listen to your date sharing about his or her dislikes. The sharing will also give you a clearer picture of whether you can get along well or not. You could also inject stories or experiences related to your likes and dislikes so your conversation can be more fun and exciting. Upon knowing your date’s likes and dislikes, your second and succeeding dates could already be just as smooth as a walk in the park.
6. Past-times
You can talk about your hobbies, your pets, your passion, and your interests. What kind of music do you like? Does your date dance or sing? What sports does each of you engage in? You may even discover common interests and hobbies. This could be your gauge as to how strong the initial bond that exists between you and your date is. It would surely be difficult to be dating someone who does not share even just one of your hobbies and interests. If you decide to have another date, these details will also lead you to the places you could go to and to the activities you could do together while you are getting to know each other more and more.
5. Immediate Environment.
A bit similar to talking about the food you have been served with, the ambiance of the restaurant you are dining in is also another conversation starter. You could also make side comments on the quality of service you have been provided with. Again, be careful in making negative comments if the place is your date’s choice. Nevertheless, if the venue is merely a random pick, subtle comments would not hurt. This feedback would make you understand the way your date thinks. If his or her point of view is relatively aligned with yours, the chances are promising. However, if your date has a mindset that is completely in contrast with yours, you should think twice before going out again. Once you feel comfortable with your date, you may even take turns making fake bios or stories about the waiter.
4. Travel Experiences.
Have you traveled to somewhere special or unique? How about your date? Aside from asking about your date’s past travel destination, it will also flatter your date if you ask about the places he or she plans to visit anytime soon. Travel experiences tell a lot about a person’s openness to new experiences and adventures. What you find out from your date’s stories may turn you on or turn you off. Just don’t be too eager to tell your date that you want to come with him or her in the next travel. That should be reserved for the 3rd or even 5th date.
3. Career.
Once the silence, awkwardness or tension starts to lighten between you and your date, you could already share about more serious matters such as your career. Details such as your position of title, the company where you are working and the number of years you have been there are basic. If you want your first date conversations to be more exciting, interesting, and fruitful, you could share about your experiences at work. Try to ask your date why or how he ended up working at where he is now. During the course of the conversation, your date may end up unraveling a bit of his or her career plans.
2. Your Date’s Look.
Appreciate your date for the way he or she looks. A sincere yet simple remark such as “Your new haircut looks good on you” will definitely work wonders. During your first date, it is offensive to make negative comments on your date’s outfit, makeup, shoes. Try to zero in on things that make your date look good. He may have a nice tie. She may have beautiful shoes. It is expected that your date has taken the effort to look good for your first date. Again, just exercise caution. Saying “I like your old haircut better” may spell the end of your date. Subtle and sincere comments would be the best approach.
1. Your First Encounter.
It would undeniably be romantic, fun, and exciting to revisit how the two of you have met in the first place. It may be because of common friends. Someone may have set the two of you up for a date. You may already know each other for quite some time. This will give you hindsight of how your date looks at all the events that led to the crossing of your paths. You may even be surprised at how your date’s perspective. Striking into this topic may trigger romantic feelings so never bring up this discussion if you have the intention to make your first date as your last.
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