Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top 10 Interesting Facts About International Women’s Day

Women from different parts of the world have shared their sentiments about the personal struggles that they have went through, and how different organizations for women have helped them be freed from different forms of torment and agony that they have had. Now that International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 08, 2013, this is another opportunity for all women to stand and show before the world the kind of empowerment that they can give. It does not matter if you are single or not, the fact that you are one of the women who needs help, encouragement, and awareness, you ought to be part of this once a year celebration. For you to understand the purpose why and how the International Women’s Day is created, here are the top 10 interesting facts that you should know in order to magnify the real design and objective of this momentous day.
10. National Women’s Day
This is different from the yearly celebration being done in South Africa every 9th of the month of August. It was one of the dates and original names of International Women’s Day, which was observed every last Sunday of the month of February. This celebration was done and ended in the United States in 1913 after the United Nations made an official declaration of the official date and changed it to International Women’s Day in 1975.

9. Activities during Women’s Day
During the first few celebrations of it, there were rallies and meetings done, and it was the inauguration day of the International Women’s Day. It’s a call for all women who are victims of domestic violence, abuse of all forms, and unequal opportunities and pay at work. Today, because of the continuous improvement in technology, women can be united in participating in polls, forums, and other online activities to encourage everyone to protect women’s right. There are also seminars, luncheons, conferences, and events aside from specific places and areas where they also hold presentations, lessons, and even debates to increase participation and acumen.

8. The Centenary Year Observance
In 2011, it held its first Centennial celebration since it’s officially held in 1911 of March 19, yet in 1917, the date was moved to March 08. One hundred countries participated and glorified this day. In fact, President Barrack Obama even declared this day in 2011 as Women’s History Month by encouraging all women in the United States to make serious reflections of the women’s contributions, especially those who have defined and changed history. There are also various programs launched to support women who became victims of abuse.

7. Its Logo
Although there are different themes for International Women’s Day annually, history has refined the real symbol that would stand for women’s advocacy. Some of the major elements of it are Venus with white and purple features and faces of different women across the globe. Along with it are different slogans and messages that go with the yearly theme.

6. First Conference of Women’s Day
The first conference was actually held and done in 1975 in Mexico City. Although there are also other conferences held prior to 1975, but those were under the different dimensions since, that one has bridged the gap about the real meaning of women’s rights. It also boosted other countries to participate and lift their voices higher for them to be heard. It also laid out some of the platform and purposes like women equality, standards, programmes, and goals that will unify all women in the world.

5. Countries that Observe This Day
Primarily, International Women’s Day was first observed in the United States, Eastern Europe, Soviet Bloc, and Russia. Hence, because of the collective and consistent efforts of the United Nations, they have disseminated the information across the globe. In fact, some countries have even declared it as one of the national or legal holidays except for countries like Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Nonetheless, over 100 countries observe and support this day.

4. Another Name of International Women’s Day
It is also known as United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace since it’s associated with the advocacy that UN promotes. This name was declared during the 1977 UN General Assembly that actually designed to help women fight against worldwide discrimination being experienced at work, school, and in any places that they are being deprived from opportunities to showcase their ability, intelligence, and suggestions.

3. First Observance
According to history, the first observance of International Women’s day was done on February 28, 1909 after the Socialist Party of America made the declaration in the United States. In history, people recognize the March 08, 1911 conference held in Copenhagen, which was actually the launching of the Social Democratic Party led by Clara Zetkin in Germany. Moreover, March 19, 1911 was formally recognized celebration of the said yearly event, which was practiced and supported in countries like Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Denmark. However, since there was no real significance about the date since it’s more associated on the proclamation of the Prussian King about the right of women to vote. Since the King did not fulfill that promise, the date of observance was moved to March 8, 1913, and has been observed even until this day.

2. International Working Women’s Day
The real reason why International Women’s Day is formed is because of the oppression that women have experienced in Soviet Russia primarily, Europe, Asia, and America as to their work and the tasks that they have received back then. Government systems such as capitalism and imperialism are the primary reasons why the original name of it was International Working Women’s Day, although it’s popularly known and recognize as IWD. It’s freedom from yoke of labor, liberation from household servitude, and rigid slavery.

1. Date It Was Formed
International Women’s Day was formed on March 19, 1911 during the inauguration held in Copenhagen. The result of which had drawn million of women from countries like Austria, Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland. Prior to that, the inspiration came because of the proposal made by Luise Zietz to have a yearly International Woman’s Day during the conference attended by 100 women from different countries, which was also supported by Clara Zetkin. Although there were different dates as well of celebration and recognition in different countries that followed this declaration  like in China, Russia, Italy, and other countries that observe this day.

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