Monday, March 25, 2013

Top 10 Tips to Build an Effective Website

It is not that difficult to create an effective web page that makes everyone to visit the site repeatedly. There are few things to be focused while creating a website. Most important thing is your site should be user-friendly, easy to use and the loading should be fast so that the readers get the required information quickly. Following are the ten tips that will help you to improve your website.
10) Add contact information to your web page
Contact information allows the people to know that another person is maintaining the site regularly. This helps your readers to trust you and even contact you in case of any problem. Replying to their contacts will help you create an everlasting customer.
9) Use annotations to your links
Annotating links means, writing links to help the readers understand where they will go on clicking the link and also to understand what they will see there. Links should be created clearly and explanatory so that it makes the readers to click.
8) Avoid broken links
Broken links reveal to the readers, that a site is not maintained continuously. Use link checker and HTML Validator which help you to check for broken links in older pages.
7) Use correct spelling and grammar
You must write an error free content to your web page because most of the people do not tolerate the spelling errors. Simple errors make the readers send irate mails, which seems to be unfair. Most of the people judge our website by the quality of writing and error free content.
6) Write globally
As discussed earlier, Websites are global. Hence information’s like measurements, currencies, times and dates are very clear to all readers to understand what the site means.
5) Appropriate colors should be used
You should be always aware of choosing color to your webpage. Because, you might intend to design your webpage for a particular locality or country but it can be seen by people around the world.

4) Use small images and sprites when required
Small images increase the download speed of a page. Usually the beginners in web design create a web page with large images to add wonderful look to their page. It is not good to take photograph and upload it without optimizing and re-sizing it to your website.  It should be re-sized as small as possible but not very smaller. CSS sprites also help to speed up the images in your site. If your website has many images in several pages, then use sprites. These sprites cache the images and avoid re-downloading on the second page of readers visit.
3) Website navigation is quite critical
Website navigation is nothing but allowing the readers to move around the page and the website. You can use long web pages with tables of contents and anchor links that help the readers to get around. Using tables of contents in your page will add benefit to it. To do this, you must have more site-wide navigation.
2) Create a short page
Writing for print is completely different from web content. Your content in the page should be given to the readers quickly and also provide a detailed description for the people who require it.
1) Focus on fast pages
A Website contains images, data and more contents for the readers to download once they visit the site. The people notice the speed of the page only when it is absent. Readers stay longer as long as your page remains fast.

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