Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Pope Francis

Finally the long wait is over as the new Pope for the Roman Catholic has been selected, announced, and sanctified on March 13, 2013 after a white smoke was seen during the process of the election for the next Pope. He is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who now becomes the 266thPope after Pope Benedict XVI decided to renounce this position because of his age. Pope Francis is a 76-year old Argentinean who was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina making him the first Jesuit Pope in the history. Before reaching the highest ecclesiastical position, which he now holds, he has also served various religious offices since 1992 as an Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires until a unified voice has been confirmed of his election and appointment to the divine role that he has in the Roman Catholicism. Let’s have a closer look at him, with these top 10 interesting facts about the new Pope in 2013.
Top 10 Interesting Facts About Pope Francis

10. Languages Spoken
He may have been raised an Argentinean, but he speaks fluently German and Italian languages aside from his native tongue, Spanish. He learned the German language while studying Theology in Germany. We don’t know yet that with his appointment as Pope Francis, he could learn to speak the English language although he understands it.

9. He Is Very Independent
To those people who know him, they have attested that he does things on his own, like cooking his own food and even ride buses whenever he attends to his church obligations. Although he has authority to delegate tasks, but he chose to be independent, without relying from others, especially if he knows that he can easily perform it.

8. He Has One Lung
When he was a teenager, he had a serious lung infection that resulted to severe infection, which was the cause of the removal of one of his lungs. Yes, he has one functioning lung, but who would have thought that he would get this far, and he would be able to serve the Christian community across the globe.

7. First Argentinean Pope
Based on his profile, his parents were immigrants from Italy to Argentina. One would say that he could be claimed of having an Italian descent. Nonetheless, everyone must take note that Argentina became the channel of immigrants from Europe like Spain, Italy, Germany, and other countries. Aside from that he is the first Pope who did not come from European countries, he is the first Pope who chose to carry the name of Francis because he admired so much the late St. Francis of Assisi.

6. Front Runner in 2005 Conclave
Everyone believes that he could have been the betted and competent challenger of the former Pope Benedict XVI during the 2005 conclave. It was actually described as a horse race then between him and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, especially when the conclave diary was disclosed that he got 40 votes that would qualify him to be a runner-up that time. The process of conclave this year is way different in the conclaves done years ago, wherein accomplishments have been the primary element to be elected.

5. Humble in All His Ways
It’s true that former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio came from a humble family, where his father worked in railway while his mother served as a diligent housewife. Nonetheless, despite of the educational accomplishments and career path that he took before becoming a priest in 1958, he still chooses to do things with simplicity. In fact, he is the only Pope in history, and even when he was still serving as a cardinal, who beg-off to use all the luxuries in life that he can enjoy as one of the highest authorities in Roman Catholic. He lives in a simple apartment and living like a commoner. In fact, even with special meetings with other cardinals, he would seat at the backseat signifying how meek and reserved he was.

4. Professor
Prior to his call as a bishop, he was teaching psychology, philosophy, theology, and literature, since he has a degree in Philosophy that he got from the Catholic University in Buenos Aires. Some of the schools where he taught were Colegio de la Immaculada, Colegio del Salvador, and highschool in Santa Fe, Argentina that all happened from 1964 until 1966. Right after his ordination to the priesthood in 1969, he started attending the Philosophical and Theological Faculty of San Miguel where he earned his novice master. Later on, he served as a Professor of Theology.

3. His Ecclesiastical Path
His desire to serve the Lord did not start in him in an instant. His passion became apparent when he had made a decision as he turned 21 to be a priest. By 1958, he studied seminary at Villa Devoto to pursue his desire of becoming a priest. The coming years, he was studying with the same teaching subjects of his expertise in college and in high school. By December 13, 1969 he received his priesthood ordination after he finished theology. From 1973 to 1979 he acted as provincial superior in Argentina and a rector in 1980 until 1986. In 1992 he became Auxilliary Bishop of Buenos Aires and mid that year as Titular Bishop of Auca. In 1998, he served as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. During the time of Pope John Paul II in 2001, he assumed the Cardinal position, where he held 5 administrative positions. When the late Pope John Paul II died, he was considered for the 2005 papal conclave, although he was not appointed; the ball turned to him this year, and was appointed Pope Francis.

2. Educational Attainment
Little does everyone know, especially those who have not expected that he would become the current Pope of this generation; he has also completed a chemical technician course from a technical high school. He also finished Philosophy at Colegio   Maximo San Jose in 1960, and Theology in 1967 despite of the humble circumstances that his family had at his early age. It’s his same focus in all of his advocacies, where he fights poverty, and promotes opportunity for better education.

1. Family Background
He is one of the 5 children of Mario Jose Bergoglio and Regina Maria Sivori, who migrated to Argentina from Italy. He has not disclosed so much information about his family roots, although he has shared some pictures of his family, his parents, and especially the wedding picture of them. Definitely, his being discreet or being a private person made him unknown or even popular to the top 10 Future Popes racing for the Papal seat in 2013. In fact, none has expected because he was not even cited or mentioned in any list or surveys conducted online and offline.

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